Nexus Nine

Armed Forces Exclusive Offer

New Hockley Hall Farm, Lower Road Hockley United Kingdom SS5 5NW

Specialist UAS/CUAS Testing, Expertise, Delivery & Training. UAS and CUAS are rapidly growing, agile and innovative industries currently attracting significant interest and funding. For UAS/CUAS systems to succeed commercially they must be shown to be safe and effective. Nexus Nine is able to design and deliver a wide range of trial, test, measurement, data capture and analysis capabilities to support the development and certification / accreditation of UAS/CUAS technologies. We also provide specialist advice to end users across the entire procurement life-cycle from initial requirements to operational testing. Underpinning these capabilities we hold multiple advanced UAS CAA flying approvals and can deliver bespoke training for customers who require similar such approval.

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Original listing: Forces Discount Nexus Nine


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