Caffia Coffee Group Showroom

Armed Forces Exclusive Offer

Lomond House 25a Russel St Falkirk United Kingdom FK2 7HS
01324 617618

Caffia Coffee Group is a leading example of success in the fields of pragmatic and flexible coffee and coffee machine expertise, embracing global taste styles along with in-depth knowledge of both coffee and equipment in a forward-thinking manner. A family-owned and -operated business that is currently in its 3rd generation, and places a strong emphasis on both innovation as well as the satisfaction of its customers. The long as well as fascinating journey that brings this all-natural marvel all the way from the tropics to your mug culminates in our ultra-modern coffee roaster with stringent quality control, research laboratory, and coffee equipment and training showrooms in and Falkirk. These are just the final stages of the journey. With our selection of eight espresso beans, 8 filter coffees, and eight cafeteria coffees, which includes coffees that are Fairtrade, Organic, and Rainforest Alliance certified, we have made it our mission to provide you with the most effective possible coffee experience. We'll discuss, and it's possible that we'll disagree with your choices after giving them our frank opinion, but we'll make sure you get the best coffee possible for your goals and your budget. We are an innovative coffee company that is run by a family and offer a variety of professional espresso coffee devices, bean-to-cup coffee machines, and coffee grinders for usage in places of business such as restaurants, coffee shops, as well as workplaces. Do you have a job in the hospitality industry, such as in a restaurant, coffee shop, hotel, or golf club? We provide an extensive selection of commercial coffee equipment for these kinds of establishments, such as coffee grinders that grind beans on demand and espresso machines with 3 groups, in addition to barista instruction for the staff. Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements or stop by our coffee machine showrooms; we also believe that our website contains helpful guidance on coffee equipment, consisting of leasing options, user and cleaning videos, and walk about guides. Both our blog and our news web page can be accessed through this link.

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