London Focus

Armed Forces Exclusive Offer

Colet Court, 100 Hammersmith Rd Hammersmith Road London United Kingdom W6 7JP
020 8563 7117

Forces Exclusive Discount:
We are looking to speak with veterans of the armed services who have left within the last 3 years. We are working on behalf of a charitable trust to gain a greater understanding of the experience of servicemen and women as they re-enter civilian life. This is purely a research based exercise and no attempt will be made to sell respondents anything. We are offering a cash incentive of £50 cash to thank them for their time and opinions. email [email protected] or call 020 8563 7117 for more information.

Research Company - paid 90 minute interview for ex-servicemen and women

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Original listing: Forces Discount London Focus


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here