Temple Holistic Fitness Centre

Armed Forces Exclusive Offer

Star House Authorpe Road, Meanwood LEEDS United Kingdom LS6 4JB

Forces Exclusive Discount:
The UK specialist in functional fitness. In our classes we teach you *self awareness of potential injury sites, *how to fix muscle balance issues to develop a robust, injury proof physical frame, *enduring dynamic strength, *flexibility without injury and *overall superior performance. Your niggling aches and pains can be eliminated quickly and your metabolism accelerated instantly for quick fat loss. We do this by activating the overlooked dormant or lazy muscles throughout your body, allowing you to express yourself fully through athletic performance under stress. Our classes include applications of: *Self Healing therapy *DaoYin TaiJiQuan (Sophisticated art of combat and wellbeing aka TaiChi) *Kettlebells for dynamic Combat crossover *Stress management including specialised breathing and movement techniques *Fighting fitness bootcamps and power fitness maintenance *Healthy eating strategies *Stress relief sound baths *Aerial Yoga We also provide a 20% discount on 121 sessions including *Personal Training *Chartered Physiotherapy *Acupuncture *Deep Tissue Massage We offer Forces Personnel: *40% discount on Introductory TaiChi & QiGong courses *30% discount on Advanced TaiChi and QiGong courses *2 weeks of Warrior Spirit Fitness Bootcamp course (including educational and tracking materials) FOR just £67 (usually £129) *A simple way for forces personnel to earn free training every month once on board.

The UK specialist in functional fitness. In our classes we teach you *self awareness of potential injury sites, *how to fix muscle balance issues to promote a robust, injury proof physical frame, *enduring dynamic strength, *flexibility without injury and *overall superior performance. Your niggling aches and pains can be eliminated quickly and your metabolism accelerated instantly for quick fat loss. We do this by activating the dormant or lazy muscles throughout your body allowing you to express yourself through athletic performance under stress. Our classes include applications of: *Self Healing therapy *DaoYin TaiJiQuan (Sophisticated art of combat and wellbeing aka TaiChi) *Kettlebells for dynamic Combat crossover *Stress management including specialised breathing and movement techniques *Fighting fitness bootcamps and power fitness maintenance *Healthy eating strategies *Stress relief sound baths *Aerial Yoga We also provide 121 sessions in *Personal Training *Chartered Physiotherapy *Acupuncture *Deep Tissue Massage

Key Workers: Register for Offers Here