Indigo Collartags

Armed Forces Exclusive Offer

Quarry Farm The Hyde Purton, Swindon United Kingdom SN5 4EA

Forces Exclusive Discount:
Forces Discount - Variable. Thank you for all your hard work

Military ID Tags - Engraved Military Name ID Tags for Kit Bags. Pet ID Tags - Engraved Pet ID tags available for almost every type of pet collar Suitable for dog collar tags, Cat collar tags and ideal for military kit bag ID. Can also be used for medical wrist band identification. In fact our ID tags are suitable for any name ID where the engraving is required not to fade and the tag not to rust. These tags really are the best name ID tags money can buy * 1.5mm THICK * NON-MAGNETIC * SURGICAL GRADE STAINLESS STEEL * GUARANTEED FOR LIFE NOT TO RUST, FADE OR BREAK

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Original listing: Forces Discount Indigo Collartags


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