First Floor, 14-15, Mill Street, Stafford United Kingdom ST16 2AJ
01785 250606
Forces Exclusive Discount:
10% discount on all simple wills
Sheppard Fisher Solicitors offer a fresh approach to legal services. Warm, friendly no obligation advice. We provide specialist advice and free 30 minute consultations on the following;
Preparing Wills and advising on Inheritance Tax.
Preparing trusts, including trusts for disabled people.
Preparing and registering Lasting Powers of Attorney.
Applications to the Court of Protection in the case of mental incapacity.
Applications for grant of letters of administration (where the deceased left no Will) or grant of probate (where the deceased left a Will), including dealing with HM Revenue and Customs Requirements.
Collecting in and distributing the estate.
Fixed Fee Probate Services. Fees to be paid out of the Estate Fund at the conclusion of the matter
General Advice on Care Home Fees including challenging the NHS or Local Authority decisions.