52a Burton Road Withington Manchester United Kingdom M203FP
Forces Exclusive Discount:
10% off Payroll Services
UK Payroll Solutions
We are a payroll bureau providing payroll solutions and payroll services with employment taxes and HR support at modest cost (from £19.33 per month) to smaller and medium-sized employers.
Payroll Bureaux - Outsource Payroll
We are the payroll bureau arm of Payroll and Accounting Heaven Ltd., a provider of taxation and payroll services to UK and non-UK clients.
Payroll Services UK
Overseas businesses must also operate PAYE for their UK employees and for employees carrying on their duties in the UK subject to certain exemptions.
Go to overseas businesses for a summary of UK reporting obligations generally including Payroll Services UK.
How Can We Help?
Small business payroll is highly suitable for payroll outsourcing, being very cost-effective in value terms and in saved time.
Our payroll service ensures a timely, accurate payroll and correct operation of PAYE (Pay As You Earn) and we can also assist with:-
Completion of annual benefits in kind returns (P11Ds) and associated claims for tax relief;
Drafting contracts of employment;
Holiday & sickness entitlements;
Redundancies, terminations and disciplinary issues.
Some of your employer compliance obligations with which our payroll service will assist you are given below:-
You are required to deduct tax from employment and taxable Social Security income. To enable you to deduct the correct sum of tax the Inland Revenue issue you with a code for each employee that when applied to the tax and National Insurance (NI) tables will result in the appropriate sum being charged to their wages.
You must maintain a record of pay and tax and NI applied for each employee, commonly known as the deductions working sheet.
When a new employee joins you he should provide you, if coming from another employment with a P45 that gives you his initial PAYE code to apply. If he does not do so you must apply to the Revenue to obtain a code for him and in the meantime apply an ' emergency code ' which has the effect of preventing any refund arising from the normal cumulative operation of tax rates and allowances that takes place over the course of a year.
When your employee leaves you are obliged to provide him in turn with a P45 certificate of pay and tax deducted to take to his next employer.
PAYE deducted from employees' wages together with employees' NI contributions must be paid over to the Revenue quarterly or monthly if more than £1,500.
The sums payable are net of any tax refunds paid to employees through your payroll as well as other statutory benefits paid through the payroll such as statutory sick pay and maternity pay.
If payment is not made promptly during the following month (19th if paying by cheque and 22nd if paying electronically) penalties are imposed by a way of a percentage of the tax due on a rising scale should there be subsequent default(s).
Even if no PAYE is due to be paid over, the Revenue must be notified. Failure to do so counts as a default for the purposes of the penalty regime.
Should you need to operate the CIS, deductions made from payments to subcontractors must be paid over together with the PAYE. Should you receive payment for your services under a deduction of tax by your customers and you are a limited company you may set off the sums deducted by your customers against the sums deducted from your subcontractors. But note that as a result of an oversight in the regulations this concession is only given to limited companies – unincorporated businesses (the self-employed and partnerships) may experience severe cash flow problems (occasionally terminal) in such situations.
completion of payroll forms and online PAYE filingA P14 summary has to be prepared for each employee for whom PAYE was operated during the year. A copy of it, known as a P60, is given to the employee certifying his pay and tax and NI deducted. The P14’s are summarised on a form P35. The forms must be delivered to the Revenue no later than 19th May following the PAYE tax year-end on 5th April and there are penalties for failure to do so.
The P11D returns of benefits in kind together with a P11D (B) for Class 1A NI contributions where appropriate on non-cash benefits must be delivered to the Revenue no later than the 6th July following the tax year-end, failing which (severe) penalties are applied.