Beauty on Demand Limited

NHS Exclusive Offer

21 Oxford Street Leamington Spa United Kingdom CV32 4RA
01926 429938

Key Worker Discount:
20% off all services on your first visit and 10% off services for all follow on appointments* *This discount applies to all full price listed services and not special offers that may be advertised.

Feeling like long hours and late nights have put a strain on your body and skin? At beauty on demand, Leamington Spa you will find a team of professional and experienced therapists ready to make you feel better after all that caring for other people. Whether you fancy a body massage, a foot rub or luxurious pedicure, an overall top to toe pampering or specific skin transformations, the team at bod have powerful solutions to suit your needs that are just for you and only you. Get in touch today and reserve your 1-1 time out moment, you will love the experience.

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Original listing: Beauty on Demand Limited


20/01/2023: I heard about Beauty On Demand from a friend and I am so glad that I decided to give it a try! The team there is friendly and professional, and they offer an incredible range of services. From body massages to luxurious pedicures, they have something for everyone. Plus, with their NHS Discount of 20% off my first service and 10% off on all follow-up appointments, it's just too good to pass up! If you're looking for some pampering or skin transformation treatments, Beauty On Demand in Leamington Spa , Nina, Medical Records Clerk


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here