Blue Elephant Theatre

NHS Exclusive Offer

59a Bethwin Road Camberwell United Kingdom SE5 0XT

Key Worker Discount:
£10 tickets for NHS staff on all nights of the run (16th - 18th March and 23rd - 25th March). When booking online, use the code SCRUBS. More info here:

Rounds, a physical theatre show about junior doctors, opens at Blue ELephant Theatre on March 16th. Kal is seriously considering sedating the next patient who asks to be treated by a proper English doctor. Dom just wants to get into the shower while there’s still hot water. Felicity is living for the weekend. Lucy got her last choice ward and feels like she’s drowning. Tom’s getting good at tuning everything out and would quite like to keep it that way. Grace is just looking for someone to feed her cat while she’s on call. They all work in the hospital down the road from you. Resuscitate present a collection of the sometimes funny, sometimes tragic true stories from the inside of the surgical mask. Follow the paths of six junior doctors as they struggle to balance the pressures of the ward against their personal lives. Rounds features stunning physical work from Lecoq ensemble interwoven with projection and visual theatre.

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Original listing: Blue Elephant Theatre


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here