
NHS Exclusive Offer

42-45 St Martin's Lane London United Kingdom WC2N 4EJ
0207 395 0270

Key Worker Discount:
Please call 0207 395 0270 to speak to one of our Sales Gurus and they'll be happy to discuss membership options.

GYMBOX - whether you’re an ageing rocker, aspiring pop idol, supermodel, secretary or the big cheese. Shot putting German, football loving Brit, svelte and sinewy or a brick-out house, male or female, in fact any Tom, Dick or Sally - get your clobber off and your kit on. No hang-ups, cliques, pressure or hassle. For that last round of drinks, for that bikini or 6 pack, for relief from the boss or your staff, partner and kids. For the mirror, for your happy hormones, for a laugh, for best results.... for yet another full English or teatime cake, for the jeans that have never fit and for the inevitable next round. A bit of this or a bit of that... Anything Goes.”

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Original listing: Gymbox


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