The Heathcoat Street Clinic

NHS Exclusive Offer

31-33, Heathcoat Street Hockley Nottingham United Kingdom NG1 3AG
0115 9475222

Key Worker Discount:
* Ineffective weight loss strategies and attitudes. * Challenges you've faced when quitting smoking; you'd rather be able to taste and smell your food the way you could! * Dealing positively with distorted body image issues you've in the past, which lead to avoidance of exercise or inconsistent physical exercise programmes and low self-esteem. * Removing anxiety & negative emotions in situations you dread being in. * Overcoming stress in difficult situations (and difficult people!) & taking control of overwhelmingly negative thoughts. * Dealing with extended periods of insomnia, and the feeling you just cannot get up in the mornings. * Deleting your fears & phobias in specific contexts. * Working through and removing the negative emotional root-causes of depression, on referral from you GP. * Resolving your tendency toward procrastination / indecision. * Resolving motivation problems in any part of your Wheel of Life, and seeing the results of motivation on-demand. * Resolving unconscious internal conflicts which have been blocking you from the success you deserve in your life. * Replacing low self-confidence with life thinking strategies empower you. * Identifying and resolving your negative behaviour patterns resulting in relationship problems. * Taking control of your career advancement, whether that means raising your game in your current career, or searching for the career which satisfies your Mind, Heart, and Soul. *Removing inconsistencies in how you identify and applying goal-setting and goal-getting - and following through on those goals by taking action.

Richard Lamb: NLP Master Coach NLP Master Practitioner, Master Hypnotist, and Master Time-Line Therapy Practitioner. Member of the British Institute for Hypnotherapy & NLP (BIH), and a registered practitioner with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). Richard is a member of Team GB's Disabled Target Shooting Team, and as an accomplished coach, hypnotherapist, and elite sportsman, he enables his clients to empower themselves through being mindful of their own thought patterns. Richard qualified as an NLP Practitioner in 2009, and is now a Master Practitioner in NLP, NLP Master Coach, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy, as well as holding a Certification as a Master Hypnotist. He has applied his knowledge and understanding of human behaviour, i.e. the how and the why people do what they do, in a business consulting context for the previous 7 years, and has recently moved into providing life transitions coaching and hypnotherapy. Overcoming significant physical and emotional challenges as a consequence of a life-transforming winter mountaineering fall in Scotland in February 2001, he has experienced his own personal transformations via the principals and techniques he now applies in his coaching and hypnotherapy practice. Having a special interest in empowering clients to discover their own 'True North', Richard believes that all behaviour is learnt, from our birth onwards, so particular 'problem' behaviours which are currently blocking you from the results you want, can be unlearned. He specialises in training the mental management principals and techniques he has learned over the past 7 years, releasing negative emotions associated with significant emotional events in the past, phobia and fear cures, installing new and effective learning strategies (having overcome 'doing' dyslexia, he understands and values a person's right to be able to learn and develop themselves), and coaching clients in building and maintaining their confidence and self-esteem. Imagine the possibilities this perspective can open for you. Using a combination of NLP Coaching, Hypnosis, and Time Line Therapy techniques, Richard will assist you in breaking through those old ways of behaving, thinking and feeling, enabling you to choose to live a life with meaning, purpose, happiness, and personal freedom; the life you deserve and are entitled to. For your free first consultation, email Richard on [email protected] , call him direct on 07920 011 440, or contact the clinic on 0115 9475222.

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Original listing: The Heathcoat Street Clinic


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