The Arches

NHS Exclusive Offer

11 Priory Road, Cottingham Hull United Kingdom HU16 4RR

Key Worker Discount:
We aim to provide our Service Users with the best possible quality of life in an environment that is clean, safe, comfortable and welcoming. We will treat each Service User with dignity and respect and remain sensitive to their individual neexs and abilities.

The Arches is a "homefrom home" where our Service Users can feel at home in a friendly, secure, and relaxed environment. We strive to preserve and maintain the dignity, individuality, and privacy of our Service Users and remain sensitive to each person's ever changing needs. The staff will knock on doors before entering and address the Service Users by their preferred name. Our Service Users are treated S individuals and are encouraged to enjoy life at The Arches and to maximise their intellectual, social and social potential. We recognise that family and friends have an invaluable part to play in a Zervice User's well_being and we encourage visits whenever possible. All of our staff are appropriately qualified to ensure we deliver the highest standards of care. Staff undergo continuous training and development of their skills and experience to ensure that we maintain these standards at all times.

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Original listing: The Arches


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here