SouthDevonPsychotherpy Sevices

NHS Exclusive Offer

4 Glenarm Terrace Totnes United Kingdom TQ9 5PY
01803 867413

Key Worker Discount:
We can offer substantial discount for our group psychotherapy ( groups up to 7 people) And we can offer discount for individuals to £30.- per session

We offer individual and group psychotherapy, short term and long term for a variety of presenting problems. We have been working with outpatients from the NHS for several years. We are registered with UKCP, and have over 30 years of experience in this field We also offer staff support groups and organisational consultancy, Supervision( individual and groups)and working with couples. Please do look at our website.

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Original listing: SouthDevonPsychotherpy Sevices


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here