HMA Clinic

NHS Exclusive Offer

2 Marriott Street Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent United Kingdom ST4 3HR

Key Worker Discount:
A Full Biomechanical Assessment for £70. The assessment will last for 2 hours and will include pressure plate analysis, video analysis and measurement of Pelvic Torsion to identify any leg length discrepancy. A flu report will be supplied at the end and the service will include a follow up consultation to check progress. As we work on a by appointment only system, simply email [email protected] with the promo code 'NHS STAFF' and an appointment will be made for a date convenient to you.

HMA Clinic are Human Movement Specialists in the area of Biomechanics and Orthotics. Working closely with patients suffering with pain, whether it be knee, hip, back or ankle, we provide a service that alleviates these problems using a range of innovative tests. Biomechanical dysfunction and asymmetry are common problems among adults and are the cause of many overuse injuries. In a bid to cope with these dysfunctions the body tries to compensate throughout the kinetic chain. It is these compensations such as over-pronation of the feet (rolling inward) where we begin to see the link to overuse injuries. A biomechanical assessment investigates these factors through a serious of detailed measurements and tests, starting from the feet and working up through the whole body thoroughly and systematically by using a series of very clever tests. Through the use of pressure plate analysis, video analysis and measurement of Pelvic Torsion we analyse your biomechanics to help you to achieve the maximum out of your performance or reduce any pain you are experiencing.

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