Brunswick Footcare

NHS Exclusive Offer

Broomshill Road Leighton Buzzard United Kingdom LU7 3EP
01525 382411/01582 841045

Key Worker Discount:
No consultation fee with first treatment

Full treatment for feet covers a visit to your home, cleaning your feet with derma spray. Cleaning between the toes and checking for any athlete’s foot. Inspection of the foot to see if there are any other things you might need rectified like corns and calluses and removing them, as well as offering advice on foot maintenance. Cutting the nails and filing them to leave them smooth and ending with a short foot massage with a foot cream. Manicure to hands. Treatment lasts 40 minutes to an hour. Also covered is the removal of seed corns, verrucae, ingrown toe nail, fungal infections, foot massage, Advice and direction. Advanced reflexology treatment level four

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Original listing: Brunswick Footcare


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