River Lettings Ltd

NHS Exclusive Offer

6 Coronation Parade Hamble United Kingdom SO31 4JT

Key Worker Discount:


Need Somewhere to Rent?

Find a property through us, show us your NHS ID and we'll deduct 25% from our standard VAT inclusive admin charge of £125 per person. Discount extended to all applicants on the same tenancy application even if only one of you works for the NHS. Maximum charge £250 including VAT. No charge for a Guarantor (if required). No check-in, check-out, tenancy renewal or end of tenancy referencing charges.

Selling or Needing a Tenant?
Instruct us to find a residential Tenant or sell your home, we'll reduce our standard fee by 20%. Our standard fee for tenant find is half a month's rent, and 1.25% for sale of a residential property. No sale or let, no fee. An NHS ID must be produced by one of the named property owners to be eligible for discount. An Energy Performance Certificate is legally required for property marketing, priced at £48 if not already available.

Who are we?
River Sales & Lettings is an independent hard working and upfront high street residential estate and letting agency, established in 2011 and today serving, sellers, landlords and tenants in the SO31, SO30, & SO19 postcodes.

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Original listing: River Lettings Ltd


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here