Seventa Events & Hospitality

NHS Exclusive Offer

No 2 The Old Coach House RL Stevenson Avenue Westbourne United Kingdom BH4 8ED
01202 237 433

Key Worker Discount:
Free event planning service for team nights out, summer parties, Christmas parties etc

Seventa is the collaboration of several event professionals, who came together to create an event and hospitality company with a difference. We like to offer a personal service, allocating event managers to each individual occasion, meaning that you will always be able to communicate directly with your dedicated event manager, allowing a relationship to build and you can be assured they will get to know your event/occasion inside out. We are a dedicated team, and will take you step by step through the entire process from initial idea, venue selection(s), event budget management, theming, decoration plans, drink selections, catering, entertainment and much more. No matter the brief, you can always rely on our professionalism and ability to create the right event/experience to meet your exact requirements. Get in touch, we'd love to hear from you. Email: [email protected] Phone: 01202 237 433

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Original listing: Seventa Events & Hospitality


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here