Maison de Lumiere

NHS Exclusive Offer

14 Old Aust Road Almondsbury United Kingdom BS32 4HJ

Key Worker Discount:
20% - mention the code NHS discount 2015. Best to do this by phone.

I offer clinical hypnotherapy, emotional freedom technique and reiki. I have developed my own method to help with slimming combining mind, body and heart. This led me to write and publish a book in 2009 called the journey of the slim soul which will be available as a kindle book in summer 2015. I am writing on the sequel which is called No one is born obese and which is enriched with the six years of further experience i have gathered in the field of holistic slimming, tackling the emotional side of healing as well as the mind. I also offer intuitive guidance.

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Original listing: Maison de Lumiere


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