Active8 Pilates & Fitness

NHS Exclusive Offer

10 Midton Road Prestwick United Kingdom KA9 1PJ
07815 740306

Key Worker Discount:
£1 discount offered on classes - normally £4/class so would be £3. With Pilates £1 discount also applies and therefore loyalty card £30 instead of £36. Likewise Zumba/Bokwa 11 class loyalty card £30 instead of £40

Offer fitness classes in Ayr and Prestwick including Zumba, Bokwa, Pilates and Stretch Flex n Tone. Some morning classes also have creche facilities. Classes are for all levels and have mixed ages/fitness abilities etc attending. Please feel free to call with any questions. For Pilates please def call prior to attending to check space avail.

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Original listing: Active8 Pilates & Fitness


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here