41 High Street Banchory United Kingdom AB31 5TJ
Key Worker Discount:
Our minimum order value for flowers to be delivered is £30 plus £6 delivery charge. There is no minimum value for orders to be collected from the shop. 10% discount will apply to the flower value only (not the delivery charge) Discount is not applicable for wedding flowers or Cocoa Ooze Chocolates. Excludes orders placed in the weeks preceding Valentines, Mothers Day and Christmas To receive the discount, orders can be made in the shop or over the telephone using code NHS41
Gorgeous fresh flowers designed as hand tied bouquets or arrangements in oasis for any occasion & to suit individual tastes & budgets. Birthdays, anniversaries, get well soon, thank you, new baby, sympathy ... the list goes on.
We can also supply vases, floral boxes, various containers & a selection of rustic baskets.