Swift & Green Oven Cleaning

NHS Exclusive Offer

19, West Court Dundee United Kingdom DD3 6QB

Key Worker Discount:
As an ex-nhs employee I understand the challenges of a busy schedule, balancing family and work comments with a limited budget. That is why we are offering a special discount rate to all NHS staff of 10% on all the services we offer. With over 10 years experience in the oven cleaning business we look forward to providing you with a first class service.

Swift Green Oven Cleaning Dundee are a family run oven cleaning company based in Dundee covering Dundee and surrounding areas. We provide a courteous and professional oven cleaning service. Our oven cleaning service uses specially developed equipment and cleaning products that ensure first class results every time. These include a custom built van mounted heated tank, where all removable parts of the oven are cleaned. Only eco friendly products are used in our cleaning process. We only use biodegradable products, specifically developed for the process, that are 100% safe with no fumes or odours, and your oven is ready to use as soon as we finish. Call 01382 827853 for prices and information or contact us online.

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