Unit C021 Trident Business Centre 89 Bickersteth Road Tooting United Kingdom SW17 9SH
0208 355 3443

We currently provide pest control health services to 15% of all hospitals in London and 300 medical centres / doctors surgeries across London.
If you are a Facilities Manager working in the health sector you will be aware that keeping your healthcare premises pest free is critical to patient care.
As you will know rodents, bird species and insects all spread disease. It is important to have strong preventative measures in place, from external protection to proofing to robust pest management procedures.
We have a full arsenal of innovative products / methods to help us get on top of even the most difficult pest problems. We also have a fully trained team able to work in confined spaces. Pests quite often work their way into your wards and treatment rooms from underneath the building. We can stop them before they become visible and before they pose a risk to your patients.
Proofing can be difficult in Victorian buildings, so we have a dedicated proofing team on hand to help. As well as carrying out proofing, we will also give free advice to your own maintenance teams. As part of our normal service technicians will block small holes.