Blocked Drain Winterbourne

NHS Exclusive Offer

510 Coldharbour Lane Winterbourne United Kingdom BS16 1EJ
0800 2922933

Key Worker Discount:
10% on maintenance work

In need of a plumber? No need to panic. Here you find experienced and trained workmen and women who have both tradition and new technologies at hand. Bathroom, kitchen, drains, blocked drains, heating, boilers, bathroom fittings and more. Everything to do with pipes and plumbing, you can trust Winterbourne's own specialists. If you have a NHS card you get the special benefit of 10% on all our maintenance services. All you have to do is present your card when booking in with us. If you have questions or need help with finding the right plumbing solution for you. Call us at any hour. We are always open in case of big leaks or burst pipes, things which simply cannot wait until the morning. A local, loved and friendly plumber at your service.

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Original listing: Blocked Drain Winterbourne


Key Workers: Register for Offers Here