Office 6, The Mill, Horton Rd, Stanwell Moor, Staines-upon-Thames United Kingdom TW19 6BJ

We are an Electrical Installation Contractor with specialist skills and expertise in electrical services.
We offer a full range of electrical services from innovative and energy-saving solutions to consultancy, design, installation testing and commissioning services.
We are committed to the use of sustainable procurement and Corporate Social Responsibility throughout all of our projects.
With a steadily expanding team, we bring an impressive range of skills and experience to all the works and projects we deliver for our customers. We are growing and developing our reputation as a supplier of choice with our many clients.
We deliver quality work, safely and without compromise and we do a great job, which means our clients return again and again. Our vision and values drive our ongoing development and we are privileged to have a strong unified workforce whose efforts and application keep us at the top of our game.