I'm Randy, a firefighter and I had an electrical emergency recently. I called SK Electrical works and they were really helpful. They fixed my problem quickly and gave me a key worker discount too. I was really impressed by the range of services they offered, like new wiring, fault finding, and electric cooker replacement. They also do electrical testing and inspection, which was great. I would definitely recommend SK Electrical Works to anyone who needs an emergency electrician! ,
SK Electrical Works is located in Slough, United Kingdom. It's easy to get there by car or public transport. If you're driving, just follow the signs to Slough and you'll find the company. If you're taking public transport, you can take a bus or train to Slough and then walk to the company. Once you arrive, you'll be able to get help with any electrical problems you may have. ,
School Nurse
SK Electrical Works is located in Slough, a town in the county of Berkshire, England. The company provides emergency electrical services to local residents and businesses, offering a wide range of services such as new wiring, fault finding, repairs, lighting installation and more. They also offer key worker discounts on their services. SK Electrical Works is committed to providing quality service and safety for all their customers. ,
Police Officer