Key Worker Discounts Indian vegetarian cookery school

Hansa's Vegetarian Cookery School, LEEDS
Chef Hansa Dabhi retires from her awards winning Gujarati Vegetarian Restaurant in Leeds after 33 yrs but is to continue running her Indian Vegetarian Cookery School in order to pass on her experience and know-how to all budding cooks when attending her 'hands-on' cookery lessons. Visit us at for the latest Hansa's Cookery School Dates for 2020 or call 07930 945378.
Key Worker Discount: All NHS will get a £10 off their first Cookery Lesson.

Hansa's Indian Vegetarian Cookery School, Leeds
Award winning chef's Indian Vegetarian Cookery School has grown in strength over the past five years as the students, having first tasted one lesson, have gone on to book more lessons afterwards. The Hansa's Cookery School Vouchers have also been very popular as birthday and Christmas gifts.
Key Worker Discount: We will offer a 10% reduction to all NHS staff who book on to one of our Lessons (info on

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